Cal Clement

A Fantastic February!

Hello friends and readers!

I hope you all are faring well through the deep winter, do not despair, spring is coming!

The winter season has been a great one. I’ve gotten a lot of progress made on the final title of the Treachery and Triumph series. Yes, I did say final. Under the Black Flag will be the final title for the Treachery and Triumph series, whether the adventures of certain characters continue in a separate series remains to be seen. I am toying with the idea, I may have even outlined a few short stories, we’ll see. The pre-order for Under the Black Flag is live for Kindle version. If you are a kindle reader, you can pre-order right now for $4.99 and save a buck off of the launch day price.

When I find good books that pull me into a story, I like to share them. For the last month and a half I have been reading and enjoying a series by John Gwynne, the first of which is titled, “The Shadow of the Gods” it is a Norse inspired fantasy set in a fictitious world. John does an amazing job building a world that immerses the reader, and I have found myself staying up entirely too late enjoying his work.

My first fantasy title is in the editor’s hands as I write this. This introductory book is the first step in a massive project I have planned, and I am excited to reveal it to readers! I’ve commissioned a map artist and set my cover designer to work. So far, the results have been excellent and I cannot wait to unveil it.

If you have read and enjoyed my work, please take the time to leave a review on either Amazon or Goodreads. It is enormously helpful, and I enjoy reading reviews!

