Cal Clement

Madness of March

Hello friends and readers!
First, I want to say, thank you for taking the time to open and read these newsletters. I hope you find them enriching in some way, or at the very least, not too much of a nuisance. You may have signed up for a free kindle giveaway, which I will be announcing the winner of at the end of this month, or by finding the link included at the back of one of my books. I am happy you are here and reading along. Please, feel free to send me a note and introduce yourself, let me know what you are currently reading or a tv series you find yourself sunk into, tell me about your favorite characters or even just about yourself. I enjoy receiving emails from readers and I love to hear about the stories people find themselves immersed in. Currently, I am working my way through a fantasy series called the Bloodsworn Trilogy by John Gwynne and it is fantastic! John is an exceptional storyteller and has built a truly immersive world.
As far as my projects go, I have recently released the paperback version of Hero of the Western Shores. The Kindle version is set to release on April 10th and I will include a link to the pre-order at the bottom of this email. It is the introduction to a fantasy world that is the home of three different series. This is the biggest project I have taken on to date and I expect it will take me years to finish, if I ever do. The fun part about a fantasy world is that there are limitless possibilities. Fantasy removes the barriers of what is possible and replaces them with open doorways, the only limits are the ones we set ourselves.

Work continues on Under the Black Flag, I wrapped up chapter three this last weekend and I am ironing out the last two chapters of part one this week. She will be ready to sail on her September release date.

Right now, the Afters series is on hold. I expect that once I finish writing the conclusion of Treachery and Triumph, the next iteration of my post-apocalyptic story will come to me. For now, I have decided to focus on ending my first series. It is not as easy as I thought it would be.
Be watching for my giveaway announcement at the end of the month! A free Kindle E-reader with the Kindle version of any of my books to go with it!

If you have read and enjoyed my work, please take the time to leave a review on either Amazon or Goodreads. It is enormously helpful, and I enjoy reading reviews!

Cal Hero of the Western Shores eBook : Clement, Cal: Books